Sunday, August 24, 2008

i love jesus!!!!!!!!:)

Heyyy Heyyyyy:) its ASHLIEEEEEE:)

okay so we havnt updated this in a few days so ill catch you guys up:)!

FRIDAY:so friday was our last day of VBS and we had a big lunch with all the kids and we set up a bunch of games for the festival then we went to the skate park and handed out some flyers for people to come to the church and stuff and they were playing wierd scary music at the skate park haha. so after that we went to that beach and had a bbq because it was sunny:) thank God!! and we walked out soo far to the ocean because the tide was reallly low or farrrr and half way to the water there is this wierd gross mud stuff and they called it grannys custard haha it was quicksand mud and it was all gushy and slimy!! and we played baseball and volleyball and did water balloon catapult and thanks to james he poured a bucket of water on me! then eddie did worship and he rocks and we went back to the camp and went nite nite:)

SATURDAY!!:so this day was the big festival! we had a jumper and an obstacle course a jousting thing a basketball shoot!! face painting, tatoos, jewlery makeing and a bunch of stuff! so ya that was really fun! and wen we got home we played 4 people on a couch and i played on the guys team and every1 was cheating(so was i) hahah but its all good:) and then we went nite nite:)

SUNDAY!: OKAYYYY:) today was fun too:) we woke up and did devotions and spent time with god and papa james(hhaha) did worship and then we went to church service and had lunch and then went to the park and did water baloon catapult and everyone got soaked!!!:) then we went to starbucks! and thennn we had dinner at pastor clints house and now i gotta go cuz were leaving back to church for the youth group so bye bye we love and miss you all!!!

ps love you mommy and daddy:)<3


Denise said...

Ilove you I love you I love you! Thanks for your awsome blog You rock! God bless you n everyone there. You are doing Gods work. I am so blessed that you are my daughter. You are so beautiful and Gods light realy shines through you. I love you so much Ashlie Nicole Comeau. I cant wait to see you but Im thrilled that you are there and having a great time. Jesus rocks! and I love Jesus too!! I love you baby. ox mommy,cookie,sugar,simba n baby!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ps call me befor u go to bed ox

BallmaierFamily said...

wow!! you guys sound really busy. bUt it also sounds like your having a blast!!!
CAnt wait till you get home so we can hear all of the untold stories.We keep praying for you guys everyday!
God bless and keep safe
Luv ya, Emily

Nana & Papa said...

Hi Ashlie and the group,

Sound’s like you are really making an impact on bringing the Lord’s message to the youth in Wales!!

Nana and I miss you Ashlie and we can’t wait to see you. We are also very proud of you and your friends. The choice that you made to spend some of your summer time ministering for God is very special. We are sure that it has been rewarding too. It is really neat to read the blog and see the film clips about the neat things that you all are doing and experiencing.

We look at the blog every day, but we just learned that there is this “comments” link to respond to you (Mom told us), so that’s why you haven’t seen any comments from us until now.

God bless you Ashlie and have a good flight back home!!

Ps: Nana said that “she misses you soooo much and that she is thankful and feels blessed to have YOU as her granddaughter.” (me too)

All our love,

Nana and Papa

Anonymous said...

Hey Sugar-Booger, it's Uncle Robert. I am so very happy that you went and it was great talking to you over the weekend, you sounded very happy and made me smile! I love you very much and am very thankful to have such a wonderful niece. God bless you baby and I can't wait to see you again and here about your trip. I'm very happy that you got to go to England and especially happy that the reason for going was to bring the message of our Savior Jesus Christ!!!

God bless you and call me soon,



AKA - Boiled ..... Biscuits